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  • Beuls, Katrien. (2014). Grammatical error diagnosis in fluid construction grammar: A case study in L2 Spanish verb morphology. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(3), 246-260.
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  • de la Fuente, M. J. (2014). Learners' attention to input during focus on form listening tasks: The role of mobile technology in the second language classroom. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(3), 261-276.
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  • Sagarra, N., & Abbuhl, R. (2013). Optimizing the noticing of recasts via computer-delivered feedback: Evidence that oral input enhancement and working memory help second language learning. The Modern Language Journal, 97, 196-216.
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  • Rai, M. K., Loschky, L. C., Harris, R. K., Peck, N. R., & Cook, L. G. (2011). Effects of stress and working memory capacity on foreign language readers' inferential processing during comprehension. Language Learning, 61, 187-218.
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  • Sagarra, N., & Herschensohn, J. (2011). Proficiency and Animacy Effects on L2 gender agreement processes during comprehension. Language Learning, 61, 80-116.
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  • Ionin, T., Montrul, S., & Crivos, M. (2013). A bidirectional study on the acquisition of plural noun phrase interpretation in English and Spanish. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34(3), 483-518.
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  • Morgan-Shor, Kara. (2012). Allocation of attention to second language form and meaning: Issues of think-alouds and depth of processing. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 659-685.
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  • Bowles, M. A. (2011). Measuring implicit and explicit linguistic knowledge: What can heritage language learners contribute?. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 247-271.
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  • Montrul, S. (2011). Morphological errors in spanish second language learners and heritage speakers. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 163-192.
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  • Fairclough, M. (2011). Testing the lexical recognition task with Spanish/English bilinguals in the United States. Language Testing, 28(2), 273-297.
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  • Collentine, K. (2011). Learner autonomy in a task-based 3D world and production. Language Learning&Technology, 15, 50-67.
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  • Gudmestad, A. (2012). Acquiring a variable structure: An interlanguage analysis of second language mood use in Spanish. Language Learning, 62, 373-402.
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  • De Andres Martinez, C. (2012). Developing metacognition at a distance: Sharing students' learning strategies on a reflective blog. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(2), 199-212.
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  • Wehner, A. K., Gump, A. W., & Downey, S. (2011). The effects of Second Life on the motivation of undergraduate students learning a foreign language. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 24(3), 277-289.
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  • Abdi, K. (2011). 'She really only speaks English': Positioning, language ideology, and heritage language learners. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 67(2), 161-189.
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  • Zyzik, E. (2011). Second language idiom learning: The effects of lexical knowledge and pedagogical sequencing. Language Teaching Research, 15(4), 413-433.
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  • Baralt, M., & Gurzynski-Weiss, L. (2011). Comparing learners' state anxiety during task-based interaction in computer-mediated and face-to-face communication. Language Teaching Research, 15(2), 201-229.
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  • Toth, P. D. (2011). Social and cognitive factors in making teacher-led classroom discourse relevant for second language development. The Modern Language Journal, 95, 1-25.
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  • Asencion-Delaney, Y., & Collentine, J. (2011). A multidimensional analysis of a written L2 Spanish corpus. Applied Linguistics, 32, 299-322.
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